As previously mentioned on this blog, TCC’s Chairman Toby Baxendale and I traveled to Jeykell Island in the US the weekend before last to attend a major conference hosted by the good people of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. Headed ‘The Birth and Death of the Fed’ not only was the event very impressive in its own right – very well organised with several hundred people in attendance – but there were lots of excellent speakers exploring money and banking from an Austrian school perspective. You can listen to the main highlights here through these links:
Robert P. Murphy – Only the Austrians can Can Explain Depressions
Christopher Westley – Why the Fed Got Birthed?
Peter G. Klein – Did Keynesian Economics Win the Battle of Ideas?
Doug French – Failure and Prosperity
Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr. – Parallel Lives: Liberty or Power?
Joseph T. Salerno – The Macroeconomics of the Fed: Mainstream and Austrian
Mark Thornton – What Were They Saying in July 2007?
George A. Selgin – The Fed’s Dismal Record
Gary North – Heckle and Jekyll: How Murray Rothbard Got the Fed’s Story Right
Thomas E. Woods, Jr. – The Source and Workings of the Latest Crisis
Ron Paul – My Battle Against the Fed
For me, it was not only a delight to listen to and meet Lew Rockwell but it was also a particular pleasure to meet and talk with Congressman Ron Paul. A most intelligent and moral person, I found him to be every bit the gentleman I had expected.
Should the Cobden Centre ever host such an event, it would be a great pleasure to attend one with Dr. Paul as an honoured guest.
What a list of intellectual warriors against Keynes and the Fed!