News from Commissar Charles Bean

News flash from the Commissariat of Monetary, Mystical and Magical Affairs: A glorious bountiful future is upon us! Science has conclusively proven that savings are anti-progressive. Science has prevailed. You may now enjoy the bounty of our success and consume at will!

Comrades, it is now thirteen years since the liberation of banking from the evil yoke of the hated Westminster Illetrati, and stupefying progress has been made. Right from the outset the new owners of the banking system, the MPC (Magical Pronouncements Committee) has steered the glorious (bank) workers towards an unstoppable era of perpetual prosperity.

Our perpetual energy anti-graviton money flotation device (known as the economic model) has once and for all ended the inefficient distribution of money, and apart from the odd hiccup, a never ending prosperity has been achieved. This fact has been scientifically proven by use of the officially approved scientific papers produced by our colleagues in the (un)free banking world (known as annual profit and loss statements).

It is with this wonderful news pulsating through our veins and the joy in our hearts, that we must now announce some final tweaks to the scientific formula that will save us all from hard work, irresponsibly ‘saving’ (ha!) for a so called ‘rainy day’ (see pronouncement 737845, circa May 2007, where rainy days were banished forever).

My fellow consumers, we have secured the very latest Bernankopters, loaded with magic money token sprays, but you too must do your bit to further expand our success.

In order to assure our glorious future, we must now spend it! Fear not dear travellers, this is the era of black-is-white. Night has been turned into day.

It has come to the attention of Commissar Charles Bean that anti-dirigiste elements are spreading a heresy that we have somehow ‘over consumed’, that the glittering successes were a sham and that the lack of savings should be compensated by the voodoo of ‘thrift’.

Comrade Bean urges you to ignore these siren calls.

It is pronounced that we must all suppress our fears and consume for the future!

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