Audio: Eliminating Monetary Externalities

The Mises Institute has released a recording of the Murray N. Rothbard Memorial Lecture, recorded on Thursday in Auburn, Alabama, at their Austrian Scholars Conference, as delivered by the magnificent Professor Philipp Bagus.

This speech is worthy of its flagship billing and despite its innocuous title, it pays for the 55-minute listening time several times over.

Possessing myself the attention span of a genetically mutated cross between a delinquent goldfish and a rogue fruit fly, a speech title of ‘Holy Batman!’ would have piqued my interest more intensely before the event, but fortunately I was able to cross that particular mental barrier and learned much of benefit as a result.

As soon as LvMI release the recorded video, in the fullness of time, I will also post that here at the Cobden Centre, for those who missed the live webstreaming event.

UPDATE: Go here to watch the video.

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