Jeff Tucker: Collection of Mises original papers discovered in London

Original manuscript of Mises' autobiography, in his own hand, as discovered recently in London, and checked out by the Cobden Centre

Jeff Tucker talks about much that is interesting in the following video, but the best part (at 10 minutes) is when he tells the story about Toby Baxendale validating some untraced Ludwig von Mises papers that were discovered recently in London at a rare book store, and which arrived in Auburn, Alabama very recently after twelve years lying in an unknown box, in the same style as the Ark of the Covenant in the original Indiana Jones movie:

Modesty forbids me to reveal the mystery link man who put Mr Tucker and Mr Baxendale together, in this crucial operation to preserve these hand-written notes of Mises on the original German version of Omnipotent Government — and much more, as above — however, you can rest assured in the knowledge that this mystery link man is a fine gentleman of the highest possible quality.

Tucker also reveals his plans to put these original papers onto the Mises Wiki, which will enable everyone to see and discuss them; I’ll put up the link as soon as I have it.

Tucker also discusses Rothbard’s book, Power and Market, which is a must-read for any aspiring Austrian.

UPDATE: First ‘disorganised’ view, available here.

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