Inflation Explained

You might remember a remarkable YouTube from Omid Malekan, a few months ago, entitled Quantitative Easing Explained.

Well, he has been busy again, with his latest YouTube production. Listen out, in particular, for the line about Common Sense, which I was expecting to be Austrian Economics; though these two phrases are obviously synonyms for one another.

It is, alas, a shame that Mr Malekan has lost the cute and cuddly bears; however, a clear lesson from both common sense and Austrian economics is that one can never have everything.

If only our failed Keynesian overlords would learn that single simple lesson:

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2 replies on “Inflation Explained”
  1. The War on the Poor that all governments around the world are engaged in.

    Where is the left wing?

    Andy , you are a star for posting this. Many thanks.

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