
I was pleased recently to interview with Amagi Films, producers of an upcoming documentary on the economic crisis.

They sent us this summary of their project, which I am happy to promote:

Free markets are not to be blamed for the current Great Recession. On the contrary, its origins lie in deep government and central bank intervention in the economy. Through fraudulent mechanisms, this causes recurrent boom and bust cycles: bad policies create phases of “irrational exuberance”, which are then followed by economic recessions, which cause widespread hardship for ordinary citizens.

But followers of our mainstream media continually receive a contrary message. There is a very real risk that this crisis will end in the same way as previous ones, with the State assuming even more power of our economy.

In order to avoid this, we are shooting the documentary “Fraud. Why the great recession”, in which we are trying to explain why the crisis had been caused by the fraudulent relationship between Governments and central banks.

To be able to finish project (since there is still an amount to be covered), we decided to turn to crowd-funding hoping to get an economic contribution from those who share the same point of view.

To learn more, you can visit our webpage: and check our trailer in English on:

The documentary will also feature Jesús Huerta de Soto, Philipp Bagus, and Steve Baker.

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