London Mises Circle – April

This month’s meeting of the London Mises Circle will take place at the Institute of Economic Affairs on April 25th.

Abhinandan Mallick will give a talk on the Austrian School approach to the theory of value and price in the tradition of Menger and Bohm Bawerk, and its distinctive features in comparison to the dominant neoclassical approach.

He will mainly focus on how the Austrian School approach can genuinely explain and shed light on the process of price formation, and touch briefly on its application to understanding the dynamics of price relations along capital structures.

Abhinandan is a research analyst at IHS, hold Master’s degrees in Theoretical Physics and Economics from the University of Birmingham and Birkbeck College, University of London, and is a former research fellow of the Ludwig von Mises Institute.

Arrive at 6:30 for a 7pm start. Any queries please contact

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