Event in Brussels: The Future of Defence and Warfare

Last week the Ludwig von Mises Institute (Europe), on whose advisory board I serve, held an event in Brussels on the future of defence. It was at the Club Royal des Guides – the most prestigious officers’ club, right next to the European Parliament. Annette Godart-van der Kroon, President of the Mises Institute, did a terrific job organising it.

Other speakers included member of the European Parliament Hilda Vautmans, on the Foreign Affairs Committee, Commander Kurt Engelen, from the Belgian military, who has advised senior politicians on defence matters, as well as cyber security experts and a history professor.

I gave a speech on artificial intelligence, robotics and the future of warfare. In 2018 the Cobden Centre organised and I moderated the Future of Artificial Intelligence roundtable discussions in the European Parliament – many of the issues discussed with reference to the economics of AI will be applicable to military robotics and AI.

The event was filmed by a professional film crew and the videos will be available soon.

The venue was one of the finest in Brussels – military officers certainly know how to enjoy themselves.

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