Documentary Premier in the House of Lords

On Monday we premiered the Cobden Centre documentary Ex Nihilo: The Truth About Money in the House of Lords. There were introductory speeches by Lord Daniel Hannan, trustee at the Cobden Centre, and Geoff Blanning, former investment banker and co-producer of the documentary. Following the screening, Steve Baker MP—the co-founder of the Cobden Centre—and I gave speeches on the problems with the current monetary system and how this is a central issue for the world today.

The documentary was very well received and in the conversations I had there was nothing but good feedback. It will be made available for public viewing soon.

Ex Nihilo explains how money is created, as well as the consequences of radical monetary policy in recent years. It discusses how central bank policies lead to asset bubbles, inequality, zombie companies and increased credit risk, in a way that non-economists can understand clearly.

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One reply on “Documentary Premier in the House of Lords”
  1. says: Stephan Kinsella

    Where is the link to the documentary? Surely you will make it available online for the public–?

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