Antitrust al Dente for Google in Europe –

Institut économique Molinari appears in the Wall Street Journal. IEM is run by Cobden Centre Senior Fellow Dr. Cécile Philippe.

An antitrust backlash is hitting Google, after it supported the European Commission’s action against Microsoft. Italian authorities launched an investigation into Google in September and the search giant now finds itself the target of European antitrust policy, which has become a form of Russian roulette, with a price to be paid by innovative companies and, down the road, by consumers.

This is not happening by accident. Based on a static and unrealistic view of competition, European competition rules strike by definition at companies that, by dint of their efforts to innovate, succeed in capturing substantial market shares. It is thus hardly a surprise to see the high-tech sector in the antitrust spotlight.

via Antitrust al Dente for Google in Europe –

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