A golden opportunity with friends in France

When I worked in Brussels some years ago, I played a minor part in helping Dr. Cecile Philippe set up the fabulous Institut Economique Molinari

Mindful of our work at The Cobden Centre, Cecile recently emailed me details of a forthcoming event she and her Molinari colleagues are currently organising. The ‘Austrian Economics Autumn School’ will be hosted in Troyes in France between 30th September and 2nd October 2011. Critically assessing stimulus plans, debt, bank bailouts and all manner of other statist approaches, this showcase event will present a wide ranging exploration of the ideas of such notables as Ludwig von Mises, Friedrich Hayek and Murray Rothbard.

Today, the organisers extend a cordial invitation to those students who want to discover a range of arguments that coherently explain the complexity of economic realities. The event is also designed for those professionals interested in understanding the meaning and unintended consequences of contemporary economic policies.

Along with this website , the Institut Economique Molinari is also involved in encouraging a new generation of writer interested in promoting the principles of individual prosperity. Believing that gold has a key role to play within the international monetary system, both organisations have jointly proposed the following theme for their 2011 op-ed contest: “The role of gold in reforming the international monetary system”.

Details on the Autumn School and Best Op-Ed Contest can be found here.

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