Detlev’s final blog

This is the final blog entry in the ‘Schlichter Files’. Pretty soon, will be taken offline. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my readers for following my commentaries, essays and occasional rants over the past two-and-a-half years. Thank you.

I would like to express a special gratitude to all who provided comments. I have found so many of the comments from readers to be perceptive and thoughtful, and enjoyed them even when I didn’t respond (as has usually been my policy). Somewhat to my surprise, the feedback to the blog entries has predominantly been positive, and there have only been a few negative or hostile responses. However, I am not deluded and think that a majority out there agrees with me. I think that those who dislike my general outlook have simply not bothered to comment.

Why the sudden and abrupt end? – Well, truth be told, it was not an abrupt or sudden decision at all. The primary purpose of my website has always been to promote my book (for most of its life the website was called, and to try and find a larger audience for my economic views. The website gave me a platform to comment on current events, market discussions and policy initiatives, and in doing so, apply the ideas I had developed in Paper Money Collapse. I hoped that this would generate more interest in the book and, by extension, the ideas of the Austrian School of Economics in general and those of Ludwig von Mises in particular. I never expected to make ‘blogging’ my new profession. I always expected that this would be a project with a limited life-span.

Having said this, I very much enjoyed writing for the website. I love writing and I love economics, and the experience of writing a semi-academic book on money and a running blog on economic developments was great fun. If some readers out there have enjoyed reading the blogs only half as much as I enjoyed writing them, the whole effort was not in vain. The most important contribution that I have made over the past four years of being an author and commentator, however, remains, in my assessment, Paper Money Collapse. This was the book that was ‘in me’ back in 2009 when I decided to resign from my position as a senior investment professional in the City of London and to pursue my intellectual interests. The book has now found its audience. Only time will tell if it made a lasting impression. It was certainly fun to write and promote it, I stand by everything I say in it, but it is now time to move on.

There are a couple of projects that I am excited about and that I now want to pursue in earnest. I do not want to have a stale, non-updated website on the net with my name on it, so within a week or two will disappear. If anybody is still interested in my old blogs, you should be able to find them on the website of the Cobden Centre, which has published my essays almost from the start in early 2011, or on Jim Puplava’s FinancialSense site. A couple of other websites have also republished my work, sometimes translated into other languages, so whatever I wrote remains in the public domain.

Thanks again for all your interest and support, and please remember….

…the debasement of paper money still continues.

With best wishes,


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8 replies on “Detlev’s final blog”
  1. says: Paul Marks

    You have warned people as best you could. You have done your moral duty in relation to the community at large.

    Now it is time to concentrate all your energies on protecting your family from the difficulties that will soon hit the economy.

    I am sure you have the best wishes of all of us here.

  2. says: George Thompson

    I have long felt that the only person entitled to make a decision on how to spend his own money is the person who’s money it is. I care not a whit what Mr. Schlichter does with his own money. For all I mind, he can squander it on fast women and slow horses, blow it all playing the slots at a mob-owned casino, or even write a check to help Greece out of its debt crisis. I could care less if he ‘invested’ in a bottle of Glenfiddich’s 55 year old Janet Sheed Roberts Reserve or even a bottle of 64-year-old Macallan single-malt in a Lalique Cire Perdue decanter and then used them for target practice. I might shed a tear, but it ain’t nobody’s business if he does. So why are you making it yours?

    1. The difference between a request and an order is often difficult to differentiate especially to those whose opinions are dressed up as questions.

      Out of personal Randian selfishness to continue referring newcomers and oldcomers to his website, I will offer to pay the £10 per month to host Detlev’s website in aeternum.

  3. says: chuck martel

    Hopefully you’ll disseminate your ideas through other venues. We’ll be looking for them.

  4. says: Paul Marks

    Yes – I must confess that, at this point, spending ten Pounds a month to warn people would be a waste of ten Pounds a month.

    Those who can be warned have already heard the warnings.

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