John Williams: The US is heading for hyperinflation

If you haven’t subscribed yet, one of the best podcasted programmes out there in ‘Austro-World’, is the Financial Sense Newshour, with Jim Puplava. With many hours of programming each week, covering a wide range of topics, the main interviewer, Jim Puplava, really is the Obi-Wan Kenobi of ‘Austro-Presenters’ in ‘Austro-World’, and one really does wonder where he gets all of the time to do all of the reading he must do, to know as much as he does when he speaks to his guests.

However Mr Puplava does it — and I suspect either Brazilian gene cloning or the multi-dimensional use of a string-theory time machine — he did a really great job this week with the highly respected John Williams, speaking to Mr Williams about the American economy in general and the chances of US hyperinflation in particular (which Mr Williams regards as baked into the cake and almost virtually inevitable).

John Williams is the man behind Shadowstats.Com and seems to be almost as well read as Jim Puplava about the way the world is going. If you have a spare seventeen minutes or so, check out their illuminating conversation below, with links that should last a few weeks:

You may also wish to subscribe directly to the podcast.  It certainly keeps me going on the 6:53 from Twyford each morning, on these increasingly cold and snowy mornings brought on by global warming:

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