London Mises Circle meetings

Following the success of the first London Mises Circle meeting at the Institute of Economic Affairs in November, after a Christmas break we are pleased to announce our schedule of upcoming meetings.

The meetings will be held at the IEA on February 21st, March 21st, and April 18th. We will be aiming to get the discussion going at 6:30pm with a fairly prompt 8pm finish.

The last meeting discussed Austrian Business Cycle Theory. At the February meeting we will be moving on from diagnosis to discuss, borrowing from Lenin, what, if anything, is to be done? We will take as a starting point a recent article by Thorsten Polleit called Fiat Money and Collective Corruption which examines some of the social forces that work to keep an unbacked credit expansion going once it has begun.

We will also be looking for someone to take the lead in the March meeting, to suggest a theme, perhaps some reading. If you have any ideas let us know.

All are welcome. If you have any questions please email


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