The Condensed Wealth of Nations and the incredibly condensed Theory of Moral Sentiments

Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations is without doubt one of the most important books ever written. For it recognised that economic specialisation and cooperation are the keys to improving living standards. However, in its original form, with its somewhat dense and archaic language, it is often inaccessible to modern readers.

That is why this new condensed version is so important and welcome. Written by Dr. Eamonn Butler and to be formally launched by the Adam Smith Institute at this event, it is a must read for anyone who has not read Smith but is interested in economics, philosophy and the history of ideas. Significantly, the new book also contains a primer on The Theory of Moral Sentiments, Adam Smith’s other great work that explores the nature of ethics.

While I am about it, I would also suggest that readers consider purchasing three other excellent and recently published introductory books from the ASI. For together, Dr. Madsen Pirie’s ‘Freedom 101‘, Dr. Richard Wellings’s  ‘A Beginner’s Guide to Liberty‘, and Dr. Eamonn Butler’s ‘Austrian Economics – A Primer’ make rather sound introductory pack – particularly for young scholars.

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3 replies on “The Condensed Wealth of Nations and the incredibly condensed Theory of Moral Sentiments”
  1. Any idea if it will be available free online? I see that the last three introductory books you link to are–heroically–available online in PDF form. Let’s hope they do the same with the new WoN book.

  2. says: John Phelan

    Look good, I was impressed with Butler’s introduction to Von Mises which he did with the IEA.

    Another good introduction to Smith is PJ O’Rourke’s book. Not many can give you a lesson in economics and make you laugh out loud at the same time.

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